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How to create hive table for RC file format ?

In this article we will learn How to create Hive table for RC file format data. We  need to use stored as RCFILE to create a hive table for RCFILE format data.

1) Create  hive table without location.

We can create hive table for RCFILE data without location.  And we can load data into that table later.

Command :

create table employee_rc(name string,salary int,deptno int,DOJ date)  row format delimited fields terminated by ',' stored as RCFILE ;

2) Load data into hive table .

We can use regular insert query to load data into RC file format table. Data will be converted into RC file format implicitely while loading the data.

 insert into table employee_rc select * from employee;

3) Create hive table with location

We can  also create hive table for RC file data  with location. Specified location should have RC file format data.

Command :

create table employee_rc(name string,salary int,deptno int,DOJ date)  row format delimited fields terminated by ',' 
stored as RCFILE location '/data/in/employee_rc' ;

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