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Analysis of MapR customer case studies

For fun, I just wanted to do analysis of vendors like MapR,Hortonworks and Cloudera. So started with MapR. I am interested to know what benefits customer are getting or expecting from a vendor? 

Tools they are implementing. 

Domains of the customer .

Migration if they are doing any.

And other benefits.

I have downloaded customer case studies from their official website and analyzed all of them to come with below reports.

Domains :

MapR customers are from almost all domains but most of them are from digital marketing and health care.
Digital marketing has more number of customers. Next is health care domain.

Digital marketing.
Health Care.

Mostly Used Tool :

I have seen many of customers have use cases for real time analytics in MapR customer list. seems MapR-DB is able to attract many customers .Customers also using storm ,Kafka and Spark.
Below are three mostly used tools in MapR customers, MapR-DB is number one next comes Mapreduce and Kafka.


I would like to know why and how customers are choosing vendors .Most of MapR customers mentioned below three benefits. seems MapR has established unique brand with them.

NFS Support
Better performance

NFS is the unique feature customers getting from MapR.

Migration :

It is always interesting to know what were customers using before Hadoop. Though many use cases are fresh ones. Many of the customers mentioned they migrated their technology stack from RDBMS to Hadoop.Oracle and SQL Server are mostly mentioned technologies.


Hope this is useful for you. Please check about Cloudera here.

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